Posts Tagged ‘Team Beachbody’

How To Inspire Your Mental And Physical Fitness

mental fitness

Inspiring Mental Fitness

Mental fitness starts with paying attention to the thoughts that you entertain on a daily basis. What are you thinking about most of the time? Are you aware of your thinking patterns? What are you thinking about when you first wake in the morning? What are you thinking about at night just before you go to sleep? Are you hanging on to old negative thoughts?

 Whatever you think about most of the time is what you are going to get. Let’s get mentally fit by thinking thoughts that we wish to think….thoughts that make us feel good….positive thoughts! Thinking positive thoughts on how we want our lives to be is the place to start. Imagining ourselves as already having accomplished our goal is the way. Visualize yourself in our own mind (imagination) as having already accomplished your goal….then take action! This is the way to your mental fitness!

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Fitness – Don’t be ashamed of your results

If you are like me, you not only feel a bit discouraged when you lack to see the results you are hoping for, but you also might feel a bit of ashamed as well. These feelings are typically a result of the fact that you are trying to compare yourself to someone else.  When it comes to fitness and weight loss, one of the most harmful things you can do, is to yourself is compare yourself to others. So just stop!

Let me be the first to tell you that over the years, I have tried and failed more diets and fitness programs more times than I care to count.  And the reason I failed was because I gave up and quit.  I quit not because I didn’t  “have it in me”, but because I became discouraged. I was discouraged because I was comparing myself with other people’s results.  Let me also tell you that by allowing yourself to feel discouraged or worse yet ashamed it will be harder and harder to pick yourself back up and TRY again.

One of the biggest keys I have found that helps me stay consistent in my good health regime, especially when it comes to working out… is not to compare myself with others. Everyone is different, (like I really need to tell you that).  And the fact of the matter is so-and- s0 may get results quicker than you or more dramatic than you, but that doesn’t make you a bad person or a failure; you’re just different.

The only way you can fail is to give up and stop trying.  So obviously the only way to succeed to keep giving it your all.  Feel good about doing that even if so-and-so loses 102 pounds and looks like a nautilus athlete in 6 months and you struggle with losing 10 pounds and not pulling a muscle in the same amount of time.  It’s OK. You will see results if you don’t quit!

I am here to help you on your journey of extreme health. Why? Because I love to help other people and because by helping you it helps me stay more committed and accountable.

To Your Great Health!

#1 Reason why I stay AWAY from a gym and why you should too.

Millions of people go to the  gym and for  good reason, there is no disputing that  working out is good and for the most part it is good for you. Bar the risk of injury there is a greater risk lurking around the gym as well. What is it? GERMS.. BIG… BAD… GERMS. At worst we are talking about Staph, E-Coli, MRSA, at worst the common virus.

Here’s a little clip I saw on The Early Show. (viewer discretion is advised, due to the fact it might creep you out.)

Click the link to watch the video –

So there you have it! The number one reason why I stay out of the gym – GERMS!  So what’s the alternative?

WORK OUT AT HOME with me and Team Beachbody. The gang over at Beachbody has a workout program (on DVD of course) to suit every age and fitness level.  And don’t even think these workout programs are for some mamby pansy that won’t tough it out in the gym. We are talking about a program or two that are being used by the military, firefighters and professional sports teams.

Are going to the gym to get healthy right? Why risk getting sick in that endeavor.  Work out with me and Team Beachbody.

~ Mellisa ~

Your Friendly Health and Fitness Lifestyle Coach ( ;D )

Visit me at my personal  Team Beachbody Fitness website and see what they have just for you.

More Thoughts from Mellisa McJunkin – Health and Wellness Advocate

Question: What are you without an immune system?
Answer: You are dead.

As morbid as it may sound, it’s true. When your immune system is weak you will get sick. When your immune system completely fails you will die.

If I could show you a way to boost your Natural Killer Cells by up to 437%, would you be interested in hearing more? Of course you would.

Get Healthy and Wise with  Extreme Health 4Life
