Archive for the ‘Wellness’ Category

The Health Benefits Of Adding More Green To Your Home

How To Add Green To Your Home

How To Add Green To Your Home

Today I’m honored to be sharing a guest post from Bryn Huntpalmer, author and editor over at  She will be sharing with us the health benefits of adding more greenery to our homes.  I’m sure you will enjoy it!


How To Add More Green To Your Home
By Bryn Huntpalmer

Adding some plant life to your home will lift your spirits and bring more life to your interior. Splashes of green here and there will create a warmth inside of your home that can only be brought from caring for another living thing. Read the rest of this entry »

Do Antidepressants Worsen the Long-term Course of Depression? Giovanni Fava Pushes the Debate Forward

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The research on antidepressants and poor long-term outcomes.

Mellisa McJunkin‘s insight:

This is a must read. Here is an excerpt. Please be sure to click the link below to be taken to the article that was published by Psychology Today.


"Here is a sampling of what he found in the research literature:

• After six months of antidepressant treatment, the drugs "generally fail to protect" against a return of depressive symptoms. (In other words, maintenance treatment is ineffective, compared to placebo.)

• Two-thirds of patients maintained on antidepressants suffer from "residual symptoms," with "anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, cognitive impairment, and irritability the most commonly reported."

• As patients are switched from one antidepressant to another or to a polypharmacy regimen, their illness may be propelled "into a refractory phase, characterized by low remission, high relapse and high intolerance."

• Antidepressants increase the risk of a "switch" into mania, and thus into bipolar illness. Antidepressants also increase the risk that bipolar patients will become rapid cyclers, and that bipolar patients will develop a syndrome dubbed "Chronic Irritable Dysphoria."


The good news is……there is a better way to treat depression. And that is to get to one or more of the root causes. One things that stops depression in it’s tracks and promotes healing is nutrition. Specifically bioavailable micronutrients. Go to for more information on that.


Micronutrients have been used for decades by Functional Medicine doctors. It’s time the psych industry wake up and smell stench of anti-depressants


Enjoy the day.



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Inflammation -The Key to Cancer Cell Overgrowth

See on Scoop.itHealth and Wealth News To Use

There are many different opinions on what causes cancer, but one of which that is not talked about very often is inflammation. How can inflammation cause the growth of cancer? To answer that, we must first understand what inflammation is.

Mellisa McJunkin‘s insight:

Nearly forgot about this article I wrote almost 4 years ago while researching c ancer and inflammation.


We really do need to take inflammation seriously. It might not lead to full blown cancer in you or someone you know and love, but it certainly can wreak havoc with many other conditions that will affect the heart and other vital organ and the mind, just to name a few.


Enoy the day.



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Treat the Whole Patient: Bring in the Psychiatrist | Psychiatric Times

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Behavioral problems “masquerade” as physical symptoms. The time has come to treat the whole patient and to make psychiatry part and parcel of primary care.

Mellisa McJunkin‘s insight:

Well, here’s an interesting statistic: It is estimated that up to half of the population have symptoms consistent with the one of the recognized psychiatric diagnoses described in the DSM-5. Of those patients in whom psychiatric illness has been diagnosed, fewer than have have their symptoms treated by a physician.


Ok….. this has gotta change. Prior to 1980, psych patients were always treated medically first. That is… the Dr’s knew that mental/brain illness were medically induced.


It’s not gonna change until we stand up to the powers that be and demand patients be medically tested and treated.


The most common reasons for mental illness are:

Nutrient deficiencies

Inflammation of the brain

Infections (including parasites)

Hormonal imbalances


Functional Medicine doctors know how to treat the "WHOLE" patient. Go find yourself one now.


Enjoy the day.



Consider the following: It is estimated that up to half of the population have symptoms consistent with one of the recognized psychiatric diagnoses described in DSM-5. Of those patients in whom psychiatric illness has been diagnosed, fewer than half have their symptoms treated by a physician. – See more at: the following: It is estimated that up to half of the population have symptoms consistent with one of the recognized psychiatric diagnoses described in DSM-5. Of those patients in whom psychiatric illness has been diagnosed, fewer than half have their symptoms treated by a physician. – See more at: the following: It is estimated that up to half of the population have symptoms consistent with one of the recognized psychiatric diagnoses described in DSM-5. Of those patients in whom psychiatric illness has been diagnosed, fewer than half have their symptoms treated by a physician. – See more at: the following: It is estimated that up to half of the population have symptoms consistent with one of the recognized psychiatric diagnoses described in DSM-5. Of those patients in whom psychiatric illness has been diagnosed, fewer than half have their symptoms treated by a physician. – See more at: the following: It is estimated that up to half of the population have symptoms consistent with one of the recognized psychiatric diagnoses described in DSM-5. Of those patients in whom psychiatric illness has been diagnosed, fewer than half have their symptoms treated by a physician. – See more at:

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