12 Natural Ways To Beat Insomnia


Insomnia is the inability to fall asleep, stay asleep, and/or get a restful night’s sleep more than 2-3 nights a week.

Most of us know what it feels like NOT to get a good night’s sleep. Hopefully, those nights are few and far between.  However,  for some insomnia rears its ugly head more often than what is healthy. 

Some people seek the help of over-the-counter or prescription medications to help them sleep, but there is a downside to that method. Primarily it’s because you haven’t gotten to the root cause of the sleep issue.

People who suffer from insomnia are not only tired they also get sick more often, and typically do not feel as well mentally, emotionally, or physically as those who are able to get a good night’s rest.

Here are 12 Natural Ways to Beat Insomnia.

* Simple Soothing Exercises – Today most of us have very sedentary lives in artificial lighting, which makes it more important to get plenty of exercise each day. Yoga and Tai Chi are both great for helping your mind and body to relax and protect against insomnia.

* Meditate before Bed – It can be hard to clear the mind of the day’s stress and many troubles, but a great way to do it is to try meditation. During meditation, you will focus on thinking about something positive or even nothing at all (this is next to impossible for some of us)  or perhaps just focus on your breathing patterns. Some people use a mantra (a word, quote or phrase) that they repeat over and over again.

* Take a Hot Bath – Stress can be relieved in a hot bath, especially if you add aromatherapy to it such as lavender oil. When you take a hot bath, take your time, breathe in the scent and try to clear your mind.

* Limit Screen Time – The blue light on your TV screens, computer screens, and mobile devices can actually adversely affect your sleep cycles. It’s important to eliminate them a couple of hours before you plan to get to bed.

* Avoid Eating or Drinking Too Close to Bedtime – The digestive process can interrupt the sleeping process if you’re not careful. Try to eliminate eating a few hours before bedtime and go to bed on a slightly empty but not hungry stomach. Also, by eliminating drinking fluids before bedtime you will cut down on the chance of having to use the bathroom at night.

* Keep Regular Wake and BedTimes – While the occasional party will not ruin your sleep schedule, staying up too late or mixing up your sleep cycle too many times can affect your ability to get the right amount of sleep. For the most part, try to go to bed and rise at the same time each day.

* Use Progressive Muscle Relaxation – When you’re in the bed, try a relaxation technique that requires that you tense and then relax each of your muscles one at a time, starting with your toes and moving up to your head.

* Avoid Alcohol – Drinking even a nightly glass of wine can interfere with your natural sleep cycle, including REM sleep which is very important to get quality sleep. Avoid alcohol several hours before bedtime to improve your sleep quality.

* Declutter/Redecorate Your Bedroom – Create an oasis of relaxation in your bedroom, ridding your bedroom of clutter, electronics, and any sign of work so that you can sleep better. Purchase bedding that is comfortable and keeps the temperature of your room a few degrees cooler than you do the rest of the house.

* Eliminate Caffeine after 12 noon – Using caffeine to get up in the morning can have a positive effect on your ability to get things done during the day. But it can have a negative effect on your ability to get to sleep at night if you drink coffee, tea, or pop late in the day.   Try to only have it in the mornings and limit the amount.

* Try Hot Herbal Tea – A good replacement for coffee is to use hot herbal non-caffeinated teas instead. Chamomile is a calming tea, especially in the evening.  Just be sure you are not adding too much sugar. Try Stevia, Xylitol, or honey instead.

* Don’t Smoke – Nicotine can be very detrimental to good health in general, but the drug can also ruin the sleep that you’re getting and even prevent you from sleeping as it acts as a stimulant. Plus, the addiction can cause you to wake before you’ve slept well.

Insomnia can lower your immunity; it can increase the chances of a heart attack or other cardiovascular illnesses. Therefore, it’s imperative to find a way to treat your insomnia. Beating insomnia naturally will ensure that you are healthier and happier mentally and physically.

To Your Great Health!

The Holistic Health Warrior

More Thoughts from Mellisa

Question: What are you without an immune system?
Answer: You are dead.

As morbid as it may sound, it’s true. When your immune system is weak you will get sick. When your immune system completely fails you will die.

If I could show you a way to boost your Natural Killer Cells by up to 437%, would you be interested in hearing more? Of course you would.

Extreme Health Is Worth Fighting For!

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