Posts Tagged ‘Health Coach’

How To Inspire Your Mental And Physical Fitness

mental fitness

Inspiring Mental Fitness

Mental fitness starts with paying attention to the thoughts that you entertain on a daily basis. What are you thinking about most of the time? Are you aware of your thinking patterns? What are you thinking about when you first wake in the morning? What are you thinking about at night just before you go to sleep? Are you hanging on to old negative thoughts?

 Whatever you think about most of the time is what you are going to get. Let’s get mentally fit by thinking thoughts that we wish to think….thoughts that make us feel good….positive thoughts! Thinking positive thoughts on how we want our lives to be is the place to start. Imagining ourselves as already having accomplished our goal is the way. Visualize yourself in our own mind (imagination) as having already accomplished your goal….then take action! This is the way to your mental fitness!

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