Posts Tagged ‘brain health’

8 Alternative Solutions for ADHD

ADHDIt seems many people don’t know that there are many alternative and complimentary treatments available for people (children and adults) with ADHD – all of them quite safe and effective. This may come as a relief to parents, spouses, and caregivers who want to avoid medication, or for those who simply want to explore alternative treatments. Here are just a few that have been found very effective for many.  Read the rest of this entry »

Why Having A Balanced Brain Is The Secret To Addiction Recovery

limbic system

Having a Balanced Brain is the Secret to Addiction Recovery

-By A. Scott Roberts
M.S. Rehabilitation Counseling, Addiction Specialist

The brain contains around 100 billion neurons that communicate to each other by means of neurotransmitters, which are tiny molecules.

There are groups of neurons that have specialized functions that are organized into the multiple structures in the brain. In order for the brain to function at an optimal level, the neurons must maintain homeostasis – or an internal balance – among their constituent neurons and other brain structures.1

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10 Anti-Aging Benefits Of Water

10 anti-aging benefits of water

10 anti-aging benefits of water

We all know that water is an extremely important nutrient for survival. But besides keeping us alive or just quenching our thirst, it can do a number of things in our bodies to help fight the aging process.

Many experts say the average person should drink about 64 ounces of water per day. Other experts say you should drink 1/2 ounce for every 1 pound of body weight to account for all the water loss through the consumption of coffee, alcohol etc. Regardless of the number you use, the sad truth is most of us do not consume nearly enough water throughout the day to really reap the tremendous benefits that clean, fresh water can give us. Read the rest of this entry »

How Physical Activity And Diet Can Improve Kids Grades

physical activity

There is a lot more you can do for your kid’s education than to just drop them off at school every day or even provide them an after-school tutor?

Did you know that healthy eating habits and regular physical activity can do more for your child’s potential to excel than anything else? It’s true and there’s plenty of evidence to back this up.

Unfortunately, due to the lack of funding and programs like “No Child Left Behind” are making it more and more difficult for your child to eat well and exercise properly at school, rendering your parenting decisions more vital than ever before.
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