Posts Tagged ‘digestion’

6 Natural Health Uses Of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider VinegarPlease welcome my Guest Blogger, Bryn Huntpalmer from Modernize.Today she’s going to share with us their favorite health uses of a simple ingredient we ALL should have plenty of in our homes; Apple Cider Vinegar.

Natural Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an incredibly helpful product to keep around the house thanks to its many different benefits and uses. Not only does it work as an effective food preservative due to its powerful antimicrobial properties, but it also happens to work well as a basic household cleaner for counter surfaces, sinks, floors, windows and walls. Modernize is particularly fond of apple cider vinegar for it’s natural health uses and benefits as well—here’s a list of our favorites: Read the rest of this entry »

10 Anti-Aging Benefits Of Water

10 anti-aging benefits of water

10 anti-aging benefits of water

We all know that water is an extremely important nutrient for survival. But besides keeping us alive or just quenching our thirst, it can do a number of things in our bodies to help fight the aging process.

Many experts say the average person should drink about 64 ounces of water per day. Other experts say you should drink 1/2 ounce for every 1 pound of body weight to account for all the water loss through the consumption of coffee, alcohol etc. Regardless of the number you use, the sad truth is most of us do not consume nearly enough water throughout the day to really reap the tremendous benefits that clean, fresh water can give us. Read the rest of this entry »
