Posts Tagged ‘ADHD’

8 Alternative Solutions for ADHD

ADHDIt seems many people don’t know that there are many alternative and complimentary treatments available for people (children and adults) with ADHD – all of them quite safe and effective. This may come as a relief to parents, spouses, and caregivers who want to avoid medication, or for those who simply want to explore alternative treatments. Here are just a few that have been found very effective for many.  Read the rest of this entry »

Chemical exposure and ADHD. Is There A Connection?


Is there a connection between chemical exposure and ADHD?

A growing body of evidence links chemical exposure to the development of ADD/ADHD in children. Some chemicals are more strongly implicated than others and some of the studies are inconclusive. However, the possible connection between toxic chemicals and ADD/ADHD cannot be ignored.

Following is a list of common chemicals implicated in the development of ADD/ADHD.


These ubiquitous chemicals are most often used to soften plastics and in cosmetics, lotions and also present in scented products as “fragrance stabilizers”. Studies have shown that pregnant women who used phthalate-containing cosmetics while pregnant were more likely to report behavioral problems with their children over the course of several years. They have also found that male children can tend to have more feminine behavior patterns. Korean studies have also shown a probable link between phthalate exposure and the development of ADHD. Read the rest of this entry »

Studies find great benefit of EFA/DHA for major Brain and Mood disorders

efa dhaHow many people (adults or children) do you know who struggle with mood or brain disorders? I’m sure if you are like me, you probably know several people who struggle with symptoms of ADD, ADHD, autism, dyslexia, depression, bipolar disorder or even schizophrenia, don’t you? How many have been told there is no other option than medication? Well, based on scientific research, I am happy to say that it is simply not the case anymore. 

Just one study I read this morning talks about the benefits of Essential Fatty Acids (EPA and DHA) found in Fish and Plant-Based oils  (ALA, CLA and GLA) for BRAIN, central nervous system and heart health. Read the rest of this entry »
