Archive for the ‘Nutrient Therapy’ Category

How Nutrient Rich Foods Can Help Repair Damage Done By Smoking

stop smokingIf you have recently quit smoking, or if you are getting ready to embark on a smoking cessation program – congratulations! You have taken the first steps to improved health and a longer, happier life.

Years of smoking can take quite a toll on your physiology and appearance. Among other things, excessive smoking causes the production of harmful free radicals in the body.  According to scientists; Read the rest of this entry »

10 Free Nutrient Therapy Videos

I just got this press release from so I wanted to get it right out to you. They have put together a list of access to FREE Nutrition Therapy Videos. Now is a good time to learn more about the nutrition-based treatment of disease. Be sure to BOOKMARK this page! 

THAT VITAMIN MOVIE: Free screening 

The world’s first feature-length documentary on vitamin therapy, already seen by over a million people, is now available for viewing free of charge. This film is completely independent, having received no funding whatsoever from the health products industry.

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Magnesium: The Indispensable Mineral


Magnesium: The Indispensable Mineral

Minerals are necessary for a variety of functions within the body and having any mineral deficiency poses an imbalance and can jeopardize your health. While there are many important minerals, magnesium is more than just essential. Necessary for over 300 chemical reactions in the body, it plays an exceedingly important role in your health. However, an estimated 70-80% of the U.S. population does not consume enough of it in their diets.

Just recently, the results of a study from The Netherlands revealed that daily supplementation (350 mg of magnesium citrate) may reduce the stiffness of arteries in overweight and obese adults.1 Read the rest of this entry »

6 Must-Do’s Before Medicating Your Child For ADHD

What-To-Do-Before-Treating-ADHD-With-Presrciption-Drugs-holistichealthnaturally.com_-826x432The fact of the matter is more than 4 million children are medicated with potentially dangerous pharmaceuticals designed only to treat “unwanted behavioral symptoms” as the result of an ADHD diagnosis.

Many Doctors believe that this scenario is creating a generation of kids that may never know true health and wellness of the mind/brain, body and spirit.  I would have to agree. But this can be changed. Read the rest of this entry »
