Posts Tagged ‘flu’

Flu Vaccine Maker admits vaccine is not proven SAFE or effective for children.

Ah…. flu season is upon us. A little earlier it seems, than  in years past. Nonetheless, everywhere you turn you will find someone pushing the flu vaccine. We just received a letter from the school nurse seeking permission to vaccinate our kids. Bless her heart…. I love our school nurse, but it took every ounce of self control I had not to send it back with a note that said “Are you crazy? It’s not proven SAFE or EFFECTIVE and it contains harmful substances”

Truly, I am not a mean spirited person, just quite frustrated with the fact that people, drug makers in particular believe and try to SELL you on the fact that a pill or poke will fix or prevent your sickness and diseases. NOTHING could be further from the truth and when it comes to the FLU vaccine, I wish our medical establishment had the time to learn the facts.

Taken directly from the makers of the Flulaval package inserts, here are the facts.


1) ” FLULAVAL is approved for use in persons 18 years of age and older.” –

Did you catch that? It is only approved for person 18 and over – so why are they TARGETING children?


It also says:

2) “This indication is based on immune response elicited by FLULAVAL, and there have been no controlled trials adequately demonstrating a decrease in influenza disease after vaccination with FLULAVAL.”  –

Uh… did I miss something? The vaccine maker cannot even prove that it works!

To MAKE matters worse, it also says this:

2) Safety and effectiveness of FLULAVAL have not been established in pregnant women, nursing mothers, or children. (8.1, 8.3, 8.4)

Did you catch that? It’s safety and effectiveness has not been established in children OR pregnant women or  nursing mothers.

Add that to the fact that vaccines contain mercury and formaldahyde…..and WOW doesn’t that make for a good thing to give kids? Did you know that mercury can build up in your system over time?  Do a search for MERCURY Poisoning sometime. Here’s just a little tid bit I found: “Mercury exposure at high levels can harm the brain, heart, kidneys, lungs, and immune system of people of all ages. It has been demonstrated that high levels of methylmercury in the bloodstream of unborn babies and young children may harm the developing nervous system, making the child less able to think and learn.

If you go on to read the package insert, you will also find that OLDER people and immunocompromised people had a LOW antibody response to the vaccine. So please do tell…. who exactly would benefit from the vaccine? OH WAIT… don’t tell me… THE VACCINE MAKERS! Doh!

STOP the madness, stop getting duped and STOP the potential risk of adverse side effects.

If you want to protect your self and your kids from the FLU, clearly a vaccine is not the answer.  So what is? The answer to that question is easy… it’s called a VIBRANT immune system, plenty of rest, healthy diet and exercise,  and reduced stress. It’s really not that complicated.  AND it’s much SAFER and EFFECTIVE over the FLU vaccine.



More Thoughts from Mellisa McJunkin – Health and Wellness Advocate

Question: What are you without an immune system?
Answer: You are dead.

As morbid as it may sound, it’s true. When your immune system is weak you will get sick. When your immune system completely fails you will die.

If I could show you a way to boost your Natural Killer Cells by up to 437%, would you be interested in hearing more? Of course you would.

Get Healthy and Wise with  Extreme Health 4Life

Vitamin D is 800% more effective than a Flu shot

The radar is going off today on several health/news site about a trial that was done on school age children and the effectiveness of Vitamin D3 in preventing Influenza A.

The study involved a total of 334 children. The results show 18 of the 167 (10.8%) taking the Vitamin D3 still got the flu. BUT 31 or the 167 (18.6%) taking the placebo got the flu. That means the Vitamin D3 had a success rate of 8% over placebo.

In fact the scientists say “This study suggests that vitamin D3 supplementation during the winter may reduce the incidence of influenza A, especially in specific subgroups of schoolchildren. This trial was registered at as UMIN000001373”


What I found interesting is that this study was done from December 2008 through March 2009. With the study results being published February 2010, the height of flu season. But did your Dr. EVER recommend taking a supplement to avoid the flu? NO? What did he/she recommend? A shot? Really? Did you know that the efficacy of the flu vaccine over no vaccination is only 1%?

Here’s the proof to that little-known fact:

(The combined results of these trials showed that under ideal conditions (vaccine completely matching circulating viral configuration) 33 healthy adults need to be vaccinated to avoid one set of influenza symptoms. In average conditions (partially matching vaccine) 100 people need to be vaccinated to avoid one set of influenza symptoms.)


Most natural health practitioners recommend taking Vitamin D from Labor Day through Memorial Day. So with the flu season fast approaching you better stock up now, because I am hoping the word will spread and there will be a “run” on D3 this winter.

More Thoughts from Mellisa McJunkin – Health and Wellness Advocate

Question: What are you without an immune system?
Answer: You are dead.

As morbid as it may sound, it’s true. When your immune system is weak you will get sick. When your immune system completely fails you will die.

If I could show you a way to boost your Natural Killer Cells by up to 437%, would you be interested in hearing more? Of course you would.

Get Healthy and Wise with  Extreme Health 4Life

How I Cured My Flu Symptoms Overnight

English: Main symptoms of influenza. (See Wiki...

English: Main symptoms of influenza.

Yesterday I didn’t feel well at all when I woke up.


Here is a list of my flu symptoms:
My muscles and joints ached, especially in my hands and neck.
My head felt very heavy and it ached as well.
I felt warm and had a bit of a fever.
My throat had a tickle.
My ears felt plugged.
I had a slight cough that seemed to be coming from down in my chest.
I was congested in my nose.
Although I love the color green, the green colored goop that I coughed up a couple of times was quite nasty.


SIDE NOTE: I had most of these symptoms throughout the day, especially the aches and pains. By the time I went to bed I was very tired and I still had a bit of a cough.


By the looks of things, I had come down with the Flu, so I immediately started my Cold/Flu remedy and I am happy to say I am 99% Flu free today.


Here is what I did:


Before I went to bed I started the humidifier close to my bed.


1) After I got up I drank a small glass of cool water with a 1/2 tsp of baking soda mixed in. Every 2-3 hours I did the same thing, for a total of 6 glasses. Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda) makes the body more alkaline. Disease has a difficult time surviving in such an environment.


2) I took 4 Transfer Factor capsules. – Transfer Factor is a proprietary product that is proven to boost the response of the immune system by 273%. Natural Killer cells and Ig Antibodies are the first line of defense the body uses to attack pathogens. Transfer Factor is the most effective natural substance ever created and my family and I have been using it for 8 1/2 years now. I also took 2 more Transfer Factor capsules before I went bed. (I normally just take 2 TFactor a day for general health purposes.)


3) I took 1 drop of Oregano Oil under my tongue 4 times throughout the day. Oregano Oil is a VERY potent anti microbrial.


4) I gargled with a mixture of strong salt water and about 2 table spoons of Hydrogen Peroxide added to it. I did this 4 times through out the day and evening.


5) I drank a lot of extra water and I drank some green tea.


6) I combined an orange, apple, frozen blueberries, frozen spinach, baby carrots, whey protein powder and a splash of grape juice in a blender to make a potent anti oxidant rich smoothie I sipped on throughout the day. Other than that I didn’t feel like eating much.


7) I didn’t do my usual workout for the day, but rather let my body “rest” a bit. I did go outside and took advantage of the fresh air and a few brief minutes when the sun appeared. I took a short nap in the evening, and went to bed by 9:30pm.


This morning I got up at 5:15am as usual. When I woke up, my body did not ache and I feel completely rested. I do not have a cough or any phlegm coming up. My nasal passages are both completely clear. The only symptom that I have slightly is that my ears still seem a little plugged because I can kind of “hear” myself talk.


I will continue much of the same protocol today only in lesser doses overall and I will eat more today.


I will do a workout today… and I can’t wait to get back in the swing of things. I will however cut it down from an hour to about 30 – 40 minutes.


So in a nutshell…. I don’t usually get sick, but when I do I kick into action and nail it to the wall before it has a chance to sink it’s teeth in. And you can do the same thing. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask!


To Our Best Health!





More Thoughts from Mellisa McJunkin – Health and Wellness Advocate


Question: What are you without an immune system?
Answer: You are dead.


As morbid as it may sound, it’s true. When your immune system is weak you will get sick. When your immune system completely fails you will die.


If I could show you a way to boost your Natural Killer Cells by nearly 300%, would you be interested in hearing more? Of course you would.


Get Healthy and Wise with  Extreme Health 4Life


~ Good health is not expensive, it is priceless. It’s bad health that will cost you everything. ~

