How Exercise Helps To Fight Cancer Treatment Side Effects

side effectsHow To Fight Cancer Treatment Side Effects
by Liz Davies

Fighting cancer is not an easy battle. Feeling sick, even depressed and nervous are often states associated with people who are undergoing treatment. While resting may seem like the best thing, and being physically active would not feel like an automatic response, an exercise routine is one of the best things to combat the side effects of cancer treatments.

Cancer treatments, like radiation, chemotherapy or surgery, have many side effects such as loss of appetite, hair, muscle and bone mass, and loss of flexibility, just to name a few. A regular exercise routine has the ability to stop and even reverse these side effects. Using all muscle groups throughout treatment will aid in preventing muscles from wasting away, increase the much-needed oxygen to the tissues and to the brain,  and will help the body stay fit.

Cancer patients have a weakened immune system because their white blood cell count is down due to the treatments they receive. Anything that will boost their immune system is important and physical activity makes the immune system healthier.

Routinely being a part of an exercise regimen is known to increase mood. It is often hard for cancerwomen weight lifting patients to find the motivation to start their day in the morning. But the motivation can be found through exercise. Exercise pumps the body with positive neurochemicals which promote an elevated mood and can alleviate pain. These endorphins can sometimes become addictive which also encourages the exercise routine to be continued. The chemicals are able to battle stress and symptoms of depression. When the battle of staying in bed is overcome it allows cancer patients to see how strong will can beat physical sicknesses.

It is a consistent routine that is important. It is also important to include the three major types of exercise: stretching, cardio exercises, and strength training. The level of exercise is going to depend on the individual. Factors like prior fitness level, type of treatment, and type and stage of cancer. Even just 15 – 20  minutes of  walking, stretching or yoga has very positive mental and physical benefits for cancer patients.

Whatever the exercise regimen that is decided on, it is important to stick to it! Things, like exercising with a friend, creating a workout journal, and choosing exercises which are especially enjoyable, are easy ways to create the motivation to stay with a routine. No matter if a cancer patient is going through mesothelioma or surgery for colon cancer, an exercise routine is motivational and beneficial for all types of patients.

*Disclaimer: Be sure to check with a professional health care provider before starting any exercise routine.

Liz Davies is a recent college graduate and aspiring writer especially interested in health and wellness. She wants to make a difference in people’s lives because she sees how cancer has devastated so many people in this world. Liz also likes running, playing lacrosse, reading and playing with her dog, April.

Thanks for sharing your insights with us Liz. Keep up the good work.

To Your Great Health!

Mellisa McJunkin Signature

Holistic Health Warrior

More Thoughts from Mellisa

Question: What are you without an immune system?
Answer: You are dead.

As morbid as it may sound, it’s true. When your immune system is weak you will get sick. When your immune system completely fails you will die.

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