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“Forest Labs, the manufacturer of the antidepressants Celexa and Lexapro, paid the government a settlement in 2010 because it illegally promoted Celexa for use in children and adolescents despite the fact it had not been approved for marketing in the United States. The Justice Department sued Forest Labs because it is illegal for a pharmaceutical company to promote a drug through “off-label marketing,” which means for uses that have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Mellisa Strom McJunkin‘s insight:

The moral of this story is, yes, drug makers are more concerned about profits over people. Children are precious, vulnerable and are dependant on good sound medical advice from their Doctors.


Doctors don’t have time to pour over the research, and even if they did it appears this drug maker ONLY reported positive results and NONE of the negative. This is abhorable if you ask me.


The fact of the matter is, our brain is a vital organ. Every effort should be made to ‘feed’ and detox the brain and body,  not alter or poison it and other organs with dangerous, ineffective drugs.


Feeding the brain requires just a few critical things; Sleep, water, nutrition, exercise (physical and intellectual) and high quality, bioactive supplementation.


When the brain is fed it will respond. It will function. It will heal. It’s not rocket science, just good brain science.


If you need help finding more answers, stop by my blog at http://www.qsciences.digi-info-broker.com

See on www.drugawareness.org

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