Beat Depression Naturally

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“People with chronic depression often times have significant biochemical imbalances in their neurological tissue.  New research has indicated that this imbalance is not a genetic flaw as was once thought but instead is due to a heavy onslaught of toxicity or severe nutritional and lifestyle based deficiency’s that cause massive brain inflammation that disrupts normal neurological processing.  Fortunately, when these causative factors are addressed, one can overcome the chemical imbalances and beat depression naturally”

Mellisa Strom McJunkin‘s insight:

Dr. Jocker is truly right on the mark: "The true cause of depression from a biochemical and lifestyle perspective is due to toxicity or deficiency at the cellular level.   Common toxicity problems associated with depression include heavy metals like mercury, lead, aluminum, etc. that accumulate in the fatty tissue of the brain and create massive free radical damage and inflammation that alters neurological function.  Viruses and environmental toxins are common inflammatory agents in the brain as well."


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