Archive for the ‘Prevention’ Category

8 Simple Foods That Can Keep Your Brain Sharp

BrainIf you’re like me, you would like to keep your brain sharp for as long as possible.

Food isn’t just to satiate us when are we are hungry. Eating the right food is one of the best ways to keep your mind sharp as we age!

U.S. News Health has put together a fabulous list of the best foods for brain health.

The great thing is, this list consists of common everyday foods. So there is nothing fancy that cannot be found in your local market. And yet, they are all packed with the power to keep your brain working smart!


8 brain smart foods

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Have cancer? Think fungus until proven otherwise

Fungus? Really? YES! Really.

I know, I know, most people don’t even want to think about mold and fungus, let alone talk about it. But I am here to tell you, it’s the silent killer.


Because the medical community  knows zip, nada, zilch about ALL of the diseases and disorders that can be linked to fungus and the poisons they emit, called mycotoxins. And no I am not talking about a mere toe nail fungus or yeast infection.

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