Posts Tagged ‘thinking’

10 Tips to Clear Thinking

clear thinkingWhether you are a stay at home mom or a corporate lawyer, clear thinking is a must. Brain fog is almost always avoidable. Try all or just a few of these tips to help you think more clearly every day!

Ten Tips to Clear Thinking

1. Go for a walk.
Walking is a great way to clear your mind and improve your quality of thinking. Besides, walking has many other benefits as well.

2. Nix the sugar addiction.
If you want to test the theory that sugar has anything to do with foggy thinking, try eating a big fat doughnut, wait twenty minutes then do some math equations. You will probably find that not only will you have brain fog, but you will most likely have a bad headache as well. At the very least, stay away from sugar and most carbohydrates when you need to think more clearly. Which should be most of the time, right?

3. Keep your space organized and your mind will follow.
Some people may say that they can still think straight amidst all the clutter, but it’s rare that this is actually true. Being more organized means your mind will not be distracted by thoughts such as “where is that ___________”.

4.Get enough quality sleep at night.
The amount of sleep you need can vary from person to person, but the bare minimum for optimal thinking is no less than five hours. Some people actually need eight a night or their thinking will suffer. Second to the number of hours you sleep, the quality of sleep is also quite important to brain function.

5. Meditation helps clear the mind of clutter.
No time? Just close your eyes, relax, and watch your breath for a while. Naturally, your mind will want to wander or race, but choose return to a main thought or action, such as your breathing pattern. Just five minutes of meditation can give you a boost in brain power.

6. Learn to resolve the things that are causing or your mind to race.
Perhaps subconsciously there is something bothering you that you need to take care of. Pinpoint the stressors in your life, do something about them, then let them go. Make a note of what needs to be done, then your mind will be free to let it go for the moment. Needless worry can cause your thinking to go askew. Identifying a problem and realizing, it is out of your control will help clear up your thinking.

7. Put that drink down.
Drinking too much alcohol will fog your thinking very quickly. Some say that drinking helps them to think more creatively, but there is a lot of scientific evidence that says it’s not good for the overall, long-term health of your brain.

8. Don’t get “Analysis Paralysis”.
Being more decisive and making decisions quickly will help clear your thinking. If nothing else, decide when you’ll make the decision.

9. Breath in some fresh, clean air.
This should go hand in hand with “go for a walk”, but if you don’t have time for the walk, just go outside and take a few deep breaths through your nose. With a change of scenery and a good dose of oxygen to the brain, your mind should clear quickly.

10. Keep your basic physical needs met.
It’s hard to think clearly when you are tired, hungry, thirsty or even too hot or too cold.

Starting today, you too can think more clearly.We have talked about only ten ways to help improve your thinking, but certainly, there are more ways to accomplish this as well. You really only need to make a few of them a habit to have a more powerful brain. Why not try one or two right now?

To your GREAT health!

Mellisa McJunkin Signature

Holistic Health Warrior

More Thoughts from Mellisa

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