Posts Tagged ‘Omega-6 fatty acid’

Omega-3 Fats Are Linked to Longevity

Omega -3 Essential Fatty Acids are just what the name implies….. ESSENTIAL. I started taking them years ago for optimal brain function and overall health benefits. I love that more and more research is being done to reveal EVEN MORE benefits, such as with heart health.

Omega-3 fats have for years been shown to help lower levels of heart disease and cardiac death. New research suggests they may possess an even more fundamental benefit: Heart patients with high omega-3 intake had relatively longer “telomeres,” which are stretches of DNA whose length correlates with longevity.

Cardiologists measured telomere length over five years in more than 600 patients who had coronary-artery blockage and previous heart attacks. They found that people with high levels of omega-3 fats in their white blood cells experienced significantly less shortening of telomeres.

The study focused only on “marine” omega-3 found in sources such as fish and krill, not the type found in vegetable sources like flaxseed, walnuts, canola oil or soybean oil.

From Dr. Mercola’s Original post

Lack of omega-6 fatty acid linked to severe dermatitis

Omega-6 Fatty acids have a multitude of benefits. From skin to brain health and all areas in between. It always amazes me when “scientists” discover something that the rest of the Alternative Health enthusiasts have known for years. Nonetheless… It always good to get main stream validation.

Scientists have learned that a specific omega-6 fatty acid may be critical to maintaining skin health.


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