Posts Tagged ‘Resistance Training’

The 5 Rs Fitness Principles for Women

The 5 Rs Fitness Principles

These fitness principles can help beginning exercisers figure out what exactly goes into an effective workout. Each `R’ focuses on an important element of an exercise routine that forces the beginner to look at their workouts in a holistic fashion.

R #1 – RANGE of motion

A range of motion refers to the capability of a joint to move through a prescribed set of movements. In order for a beginner to see results, each exercise should be performed from a fully stretched position of the muscle to a fully contracted position. An example: I see a lot of beginners (and people who have been around the gym long enough to know better) load up the EZ-curl bar for preacher curls and perform the exercise only lowering the bar halfway down on the eccentric portion of the exercise. Read the rest of this entry »
