College Students Getting Smarter, Shunning H1N1 Vaccine

flu, influenza, H1N1, swine flu, flu vaccine, swine flu vaccine, vaccinesOne night inside a George Washington University fraternity, a sky-diving, weight-lifting, energy-drink-swilling group of brothers gathered around a pool table, boasting about how no matter what their college, government and parents might say, they don’t need any swine flu vaccine, thanks very much.

They view the virus’s threat as a media-concocted sensation. They fend off their parents’ — and even their girlfriends’ parents’ — worries, much as they do concerns about any other risky behavior, such as parachuting out of an airplane for an upcoming frat event.

Nearly seven out of 10 people in the 18-to-29 age group said they did not plan to heed warnings to get vaccinated, a Washington Post-ABC News poll found. Puzzled experts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said they are so concerned about young people’s lack of concern about swine flu that they are conducting surveys to tease out the basis for the blasé attitudes.


Dr. Mercola’s Comments:

According to an ABC News-Washington Post poll on October 22, nearly 7 out of 10 people in the 18-29 age bracket said they will not get the H1N1 vaccine. Ditto for 62 percent of those aged 30-64, and 53 percent of seniors, aged 65 and over.

Are Parents Letting Unfounded Fears Get the Better of Them?

Unfortunately, according to this poll, 56 percent of parents now plan to have their children vaccinated, including 4 percent who have already done so. Even worse, 13 percent of parents who have doubts about the vaccine’s safety are still planning on having their kids vaccinated!

I find it curious that so many adults are still willing to submit their children to this vaccine, while 62 percent of these same adults are refusing it for themselves.

Another curious finding from this poll is that since August, the percentage of people worried about coming down with the swine flu has risen quite dramatically, from 39 percent in August, to 52 percent as of October 22.

Again, I can only hope that those who “worry” about the swine flu will get the information I’ve been posting during the past several months, especially in the past few weeks, which clearly shows there’s really nothing to fear from the swine flu virus.

So please do continue sharing this information with your friends and family, especially those with children, or who are pregnant.

There’s Nothing to Fear But Fear Itself!

This year, flu deaths are being trumpeted across the world, and yet people are also dying and suffering life-altering disabilities shortly after receiving the flu vaccine, whether it be the seasonal- or the H1N1 vaccine.

Adverse reactions such as paralysis or even death after vaccination are especially tragic when you consider the fact that the real danger of the swine flu is so minimal.

People are still not realizing that the mortality statistics for H1N1 are being deceptively reported and are NOT accurate – the vast majority of those who died did most likely not even have the H1N1 virus, but rather succumbed from other viral or bacterial causes and complications.

I urge you to read my previous article, CBS Reveals that Swine Flu Cases Seriously Overestimated, if you have not already done so, to get a much clearer picture of this overhyped threat.

For example, according to the CBS News investigation, when you come down with chills, fever, cough, runny nose, malaise and all those other “flu-like” symptoms, the illness is likely caused by influenza at most 17 percent of the time, and as little as 3 percent!

The other 83 to 97 percent of the time it’s caused by other viruses or bacteria.

Based on this fact, and the fact that the CDC changed the way they count “H1N1 cases” as of the end of August to now include any and all “flu-like symptoms,” it’s quite possible that current mortality statistics are exaggerated by as much as 80-90 percent, or more!

Swine Flu Deaths As of November 17, 2009
Swine Flu Deaths As of Nov. 17, 2009
Click on image for larger view.

In addition, statistics still show that this year is one of the mildest flu seasons in years, with the fewest amounts of deaths!

The current worry about contracting the swine flu is truly based on nothing but media-induced fear. The threat itself is simply NOT REAL.

Information is Power

You can help make a BIG difference by helping inform your friends and relatives, and posting this information on your Facebook pages and other social networking sites.

In addition, you can help protect your, and everyone else’s, right to make informed, voluntary vaccination choices by supporting the National Vaccine Information Center.

I have made this non-profit organization — America’s Vaccine Safety Watchdog — one of my favorite charities and I urge you to become a donor member and help NVIC protect your informed consent rights and your children’s health.

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Notes from Mellisa McJunkin- Health and Wellness Advocate

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