Archive for the ‘Anti-Aging’ Category

3 Secret Tips For Anti-Aging

3 Secret Tips For Anti-Aging

Secret Tip #1: Feed Your Face
There are tons of so called “anti-aging” lotions and potions on the market, but right now I am not even going to go there. Really one of the best things you can do is stay away from junk food and load up on antioxidant rich foods and good, pure, clean water.

Secret Tip #2: Just do something
In other words, get up off the couch, turn the TV off and do some anti-aging activities. Find an activity or two that you enjoy. Walk, run, weight train, ride a bike, get on a pogo stick. Do anything that causes your body to move and exert some activity. This will allow your body to stay young by stretching muscles and keeping you limber at the same time.

Secret Tip #3: Don’t Be A Party Pooper
Mentioned above for the #2 Anti-Aging Secret Tip was finding something you enjoy. Find something you have fun doing. Just know this, if drinking alcohol into a drunken stupor is the one thing you enjoy, you are not going stay young for very long. In fact, if you’re older in age and you’re doing this you may not even enjoy staying old. The key to the entire process of anti-aging is to treat your body right and have fun doing it.

Enjoy life, stay young mentally, emotionally, physically and you’ll see an anti-aging process that you’ll be happy about. That will give you the motivation and momentum to continue the lifestyle of anti-aging.

More Thoughts from Mellisa McJunkin – Health and Wellness Advocate

Question: What are you without an immune system?
Answer: You are dead.

As morbid as it may sound, it’s true. When your immune system is weak you will get sick. When your immune system completely fails you will die.

If I could show you a way to boost your Natural Killer Cells by up to 437%, would you be interested in hearing more? Of course you would.

Get Healthy and Wise with  Extreme Health 4Life

This High Blood Pressure Solution Interview is Unbelievable

What I’m about to share with you is information about high
blood pressure that your doctor has probably never told you.

High Blood Pressure is not a disease and therefore does
not require a prescription!

Blood Pressure is a vital sign and only a symptom of a

Most doctors tend to be pretty clueless about how to
accurately treat high blood pressure effectively. The
traditional treatment is to limit salt and put you on high
blood pressure (HBP) medication.

The REAL question you must ask your doctor and yourself
is: WHY do you have I high blood pressure?

Maybe an even bigger question to ask is why your doctor
would rush to prescribe medications instead of working
with you to find a natural, healthier solution.

That’s why this shocking interview is attracting so much
attention, not only among middle aged people and seniors
as you might expect, but it’s also helping to educate
“generation X, Y and Z” answering the question, WHY!

It’s called “How To Lower Your Blood Pressure Without
Drugs,” and if you act now you can get it FR*EE.

Click Here To Learn How: ??
High Blood Pressure Solution Interview

In an easy to understand language, this Natural High
Blood Pressure Solution Interview With Dr. Scott Saunders,
M.D. explains how anyone can overcome hypertension
without drugs and with the doctor’s help.

Plus, if you’re already taking drugs for high blood pressure,
it’s even more important you listen to it right now.

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), high
blood pressure increases the risk for heart attack, angina,
stroke, kidney failure and peripheral artery disease.

This interview is the most exhaustive evidence of how proven
natural remedies, along with cutting edge new science, can
help you stay off HBP drugs or get off them with your doctor’s help.

Dr. Scott Saunders is going to share specifics on topics such as:

– The root causes of elevated blood pressure and how to
easily overcome them

– Why doctors are so quick to prescribe medications

– What you can do to lower your blood pressure naturally,
no matter how long you’ve suffered

– How to work with your doctor to lower your blood
pressure and get of your current medication

And a whole lot more …

High Blood Pressure Solution Interview

If you’re at all concerned about your heart health or overall
health, I highly recommend you check it out while you’re
here now.

To Your Extreme health,


P.S. See how people just like you have used the “How To
Lower Your Blood Pressure Without Drugs” interview, a
small part of the comprehensive “High Blood Pressure
Solution Kit”, to safely and naturally lower their blood

High Blood Pressure Solution Interview that Unbelieveable

More Thoughts from Mellisa McJunkin – Health and Wellness Advocate

Question: What are you without an immune system?
Answer: You are dead.

As morbid as it may sound, it’s true. When your immune system is weak you will get sick. When your immune system completely fails you will die.

If I could show you a way to boost your Natural Killer Cells by up to 437%, would you be interested in hearing more? Of course you would.

Get Healthy and Wise with  Extreme Health 4Life

10 nice and easy ways to boost your brain power

brain healthMore brain power is an essential key to success in nearly every area of life.  Your brain is much like a  muscle.  As the saying goes; use it or lose it.  Many experts agree that you can grow your mental focus and intelligence quotient as much as you want.  Here are 10 nice and easy to do tips to improve brain power:

1. Develop A Regular Exercise Routine

Exercise benefits your brain cells by supplying high doses of much-needed oxygen. When you exercise, the blood vessels in the brain begin to dilate. With the increased blood flow, more oxygen is transported to various parts of the body, but most importantly the brain. Physical activity and exercise not only allows more oxygen to flow but other vital nutrients as well. Toxins are more readily eliminated through deep breathing and sweating also. Beachbody Fitness is one my favorites as far as fitness programs go because they have a huge selection and variety of workouts programs that you can do right in your own home. I also love Leslie Sansone Walk At Home programs. Simple, yet safe and effective!  Read the rest of this entry »

Easy Anti Aging Secrets Everyone Can Benefit From

I am reading this article from Donna Gates at Body Ecology. It’s a good read and one I recommend you take the time to read as well. Easy Anti-Aging Secrets Everyone Can Benefit From

More Thoughts from Mellisa McJunkin – Health and Wellness Advocate

Question: What are you without an immune system?
Answer: You are dead.

As morbid as it may sound, it’s true. When your immune system is weak you will get sick. When your immune system completely fails you will die.

If I could show you a way to boost your Natural Killer Cells by up to 437%, would you be interested in hearing more? Of course you would.

Get Healthy and Wise with  Extreme Health 4Life
